Editorial Policy, Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

DOI: https://doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.ethics

1. Editorial Policy

The scientific and academic journal system of Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is composed of a set of indexed periodic publications managed jointly by the editorial teams of the Faculties and Editorial Javeriana. We are committed to open and transparent communication, scientific integrity and ethical standards in all aspects of the editorial and dissemination process. Our editorial policy is governed by the following principles:

Quality: It is our main goal to publish high-quality research that is relevant, visible and impactful. All submissions are subjected to rigorous peer-review by independent experts in the field. We strive to provide constructive feedback to authors to help them improve their work.

Ethics: We are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct in our editorial process. We require authors to adhere to ethical guidelines for research, informed consent, protecting privacy and confidentiality, and avoiding plagiarism and fabrication of data. Every paper is checked by means of anti-plagiarism and AI-generated text software detection.

Openness: We believe in open and transparent communication and support open access to scientific knowledge. We encourage authors to share their data and code whenever possible, and we require authors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Diversity and inclusion: We recognize the importance of diversity and inclusion in research and editorial processes. We strive to ensure that our journals represent a broad range of origins, perspectives and experiences, and we are committed to fostering a culture of respect, inclusivity, and equity in our editorial policies and practices.

Innovation: Innovative and unconventional approaches to research and policy analysis are welcome. We encourage authors to challenge existing paradigms and propose new ideas for Latin America and the world. We offer traceability of the impacts of research in academia, industry and society. It is possible to include podcast, video, animations, or interactive content in the HTML versions of the articles.

Engagement: Seeking to engage with our readers, authors, reviewers, and stakeholders in an ongoing dialogue about the most pressing issues in Latin America and the world, we encourage authors to communicate their research findings in a clear and accessible way, providing a forum for discussion and debate around important issues.

Sustainability: As open access electronic journals, sustainability is promoted in all aspects of our operations. We recognize that our activities have an impact on the environment, and we strive to minimize this impact by adopting sustainable practices:

  • Energy Consumption: minimizing our energy consumption by implementing energy-efficient practices in our office space, server rooms, and data centers is one of our main goals. We encourage our staff to switch off computers and other electronic devices when not in use. We use energy-efficient equipment wherever possible.
  • Paperless Communication: We strive to operate as a paperless office by minimizing the use of paper and encouraging the use of digital communication, storage, and archiving methods. We also minimize printing and use recycled paper when printing is necessary.
  • Green Hosting: We use web hosting services that are powered by renewable energy and strive to minimize the environmental impact of our online presence. We also optimize our website and use selected directories, databases and scholarly indexes to reduce our carbon footprint.

2. Copyright and Licensing

The journals published by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana are registered under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Thus, all articles may be reproduced, distributed, and publicly shared in digital format, as long as the names of the authors and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana are acknowledged. Others are allowed to quote, adapt, transform, auto-archive, republish, and create based on this material, for any purpose (even commercial ones), provided the authorship is duly acknowledged, a link to the original work is provided, and it is specified if changes have been made. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana does not hold the rights of published works and the authors are solely responsible for the contents of their works; they keep the moral, intellectual, privacy, and publicity rights.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Source: Creative Commons

Approving the intervention of the work (review, copy-editing, translation, layout) and the following outreach, is granted through an use license and not through copyright transfer. Publishing in this journal system does not generate direct royalties for contributors.

3. Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses submitted to the journals edited by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana will be used for the purposes stated solely and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

In accordance with Colombian Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 on Data Protection and related regulations, the Owner is informed that, by voluntarily providing and registering their data through the channels enabled on this website, they authorize their incorporation into a database under the responsibility of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, to be treated for the purpose of carrying out associative, cultural, recreational, sports, and social activities, management of social media and/or editorial content, historical, scientific or statistical purposes, administrative procedures and publications, and accounting, tax, administrative and advertising management and commercial prospecting - Own advertising. Likewise, I authorize my personal images to be published in printed and audiovisual media, institutional websites and social networks.

It is optional to provide information about Sensitive Data, understood as those that affect privacy or generate any type of discrimination, or about minors.

The policy on the treatment of the Owner's data, as well as substantial changes that occur in it, can be consulted through the following email address: usodedatos@javeriana.edu.co. Likewise, it will be kept updated on the entity's website: Agreement 657 (in Spanish)

You may exercise your rights of access, correction, deletion, revocation, or claim for infringement of data, by sending a written request to Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, to the email address usodedatos@javeriana.edu.co, indicating in the subject the right you wish to exercise, or by ordinary mail sent to the address: Carrera 7 # 40-62 in the City of Bogota, Colombia.

4. No Author Fees

Our Diamond Apen Access journal system is completely fee-free for authors. We believe that access to knowledge should not be limited by financial barriers, and we are committed to making our journals accessible to researchers and scholars from all backgrounds and regions.

We do not charge any submission fees, article processing fees, or publication fees. All articles published in our journals are freely available to readers worldwide, ensuring that research is disseminated widely and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection.

Our commitment to no fees does not compromise the quality of our publication. We employ rigorous peer-review processes to ensure the integrity and validity of the research we publish. Our editors and reviewers are experts in their fields and uphold the highest standards of academic excellence.

We welcome submissions from all researchers, regardless of their funding or institutional affiliations. By eliminating financial barriers, we hope to encourage a more diverse and inclusive academic community and foster the growth of new ideas and perspectives.

5. Publication Ethics Statement

In order to maintain the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our operations, we have established the following ethics statement to guide the behavior of our editorial team, authors, and reviewers:

Ethical Standards for Editors

Our editors are responsible for ensuring that all published content adheres to the highest ethical standards. As such, they will ensure that:

  • The editorial decision-making process is objective, transparent, and free from any commercial or personal interests.
  • Any conflicts of interest, whether actual or perceived, are identified and disclosed to the relevant parties.
  • All submitted manuscripts are treated confidentially and any information related to the manuscript is kept confidential.
  • Any suspected ethical misconduct or malpractice is investigated thoroughly, and appropriate actions are taken.
  • The editorial team takes measures to ensure that any published research involving human subjects, animals, or potentially hazardous materials adheres to relevant ethical guidelines.

Ethical Standards for Authors

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their research adheres to the highest ethical standards. As such, they will ensure that:

  • The research presented in the manuscript is original and has not been published elsewhere.
  • The manuscript is free from plagiarism, falsification, or fabrication of data.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest are disclosed in the manuscript.
  • Any research involving human subjects, animals, or potentially hazardous materials adheres to relevant ethical guidelines, and the necessary permissions have been obtained.
  • The manuscript is written in clear and concise language, and the research is presented in an accurate and unbiased manner.

Ethical Standards for Reviewers

Reviewers play a critical role in maintaining the quality and integrity of our journals. As such, they will ensure that:

  • The review process is objective, transparent, and free from any commercial or personal interests.
  • Any conflicts of interest, whether actual or perceived, are identified and disclosed to the editorial team.
  • Any suspected ethical misconduct or malpractice is reported to the editorial team.
  • The review is conducted in a timely and constructive manner, and any criticisms or suggestions are presented in a respectful and professional manner.

6. COPE adherence Statement

Our scholarly journals are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in publishing and adhere to the guidelines and best practices set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

  • Editorial Independence: Our editorial decisions are independent and free from undue influence, whether from owners, sponsors, advertisers, or other third-party entities.
  • Peer Review: Our peer review process is transparent and impartial, and all manuscripts are subject to rigorous review by qualified experts in the field.
  • Authorship and Contributorship: We follow the Contributorship Defined (CreDIT) model for authorship, which acknowledges the contributions of all individuals involved in the research process.
  • Conflict of Interest: We require authors, reviewers, and editors to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may compromise the integrity of the research or publication.
  • Research Misconduct: We do not tolerate research misconduct, including plagiarism, fabrication, and falsification of data.
  • Data and Reproducibility: We require authors to provide all relevant data and materials necessary to reproduce their findings and support their conclusions.
  • Intellectual Property: We respect the intellectual property rights of authors and require authors to obtain appropriate permissions and/or licenses for any copyrighted material used in their manuscript.
  • Post-publication Discussions and Corrections: We provide a platform for post-publication discussions and corrections, and we are committed to correcting any errors or inaccuracies in our publications.

By adhering to the guidelines and best practices set forth by COPE, we are committed to promoting transparency, integrity, and responsible publishing practices in all aspects of our journals. We encourage our authors, reviewers, and readers to report any concerns or potential breaches of these practices to our editorial team for review and action.

6.1. Authorship and contributorship

Our scholarly journals follow the Contributorship Defined (CreDIT) model for authorship, which acknowledges the contributions of all individuals involved in the research process. The CreDIT model promotes transparency and accountability in authorship and helps ensure that all contributors are recognized for their contributions.

In accordance with the CreDIT model, authors must explicitly state their individual contributions to the research presented in the manuscript. The contributions may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Conceptualization: This includes the formulation of research questions, study design, and hypothesis development.
  • Methodology: This includes the development or adaptation of methodologies and protocols for data collection and analysis.
  • Data Curation: This includes the management and organization of data, including data entry, quality control, and data archiving.
  • Formal Analysis: This includes the application of statistical methods and techniques to analyze the data.
  • Investigation: This includes the collection and acquisition of data and/or samples.
  • Resources: This includes the provision of funding, facilities, equipment, and other resources necessary for the research.
  • Writing - Original Draft: This includes the initial drafting of the manuscript, including the writing of the introduction, methods, and results sections.
  • Writing - Review & Editing: This includes the critical review and editing of the manuscript, including the revision of the introduction, methods, and results sections.
  • Visualization: This includes the creation of visual aids, figures, and tables to present the data.
  • Supervision: This includes the oversight and guidance of the research team and/or project.
  • Project Administration: This includes the coordination and management of the research project, including obtaining ethical approvals, obtaining funding, and other administrative tasks.

Each author must provide a statement outlining their individual contributions to the research presented in the manuscript using the above categories. All authors must agree on the final author list and order of authors.

Our journal system recognizes that authorship credit should be based on substantial contributions to the research and does not allow honorary or gift authorship. We also encourage authors to acknowledge the contributions of individuals who do not meet the criteria for authorship but have contributed to the research in other ways.

By following the CreDIT model for authorship, we aim to promote transparency and accountability in authorship and recognize the contributions of all individuals involved in the research process.

6.2. Artificial Intelligence generated text and images

Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated text and images are not prohibited, but must be used in a responsible and ethical manner. All users of these technologies, like ChatGPT or Midjourney must adhere to the following principles:

  • Respect for Human Dignity and Rights: All text generated text and images must respect the dignity and rights of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other characteristic. Hate speech, discrimination, or any other form of disrespect towards individuals or groups is strictly prohibited.
  • Accuracy and Fact-Checking: Users must take responsibility for verifying the accuracy of any text generated before relying on it. Users must take steps to ensure that the generated text is accurate and reliable.
  • Avoiding Harm: Users must ensure that any text generated does not cause harm to individuals or society as a whole. This includes avoiding the dissemination of false or misleading information that could lead to harm, as well as avoiding the promotion of harmful behaviors or activities.
  • Transparency: Users must be transparent about the use of Artificial Intelligence and any text or images generated by the model. This includes acknowledging the use of the software when publishing or sharing AI generated text or images, and providing clear explanations of how the content was generated.

AI software attributions must not appear as author or co-authors of any submission, nor the bibliographic reference list, but in the Methodology and/or Acknowledgements sections.

6.3. Originality and prior publication

The manuscripts submitted to this Journal System should be original. Authors must appropriately cite and attribute any work that has influenced their current contribution. This includes both published research articles and unpublished work such as conference presentations, theses, dissertations, multimedia or alternative sources.

Submissions should have not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part in any language. Authors should declare that the manuscript is not a duplicate of any previously published work.

We do not consider posting on a preprint server and theses or graduation papers on institutional repositories (green-access portals) to be duplicate publication, because these typologies are not evaluated by peer-review process and have not received editoral or publishing intervention.

  • If there is a preprint version, authors must cite it in the new manuscript submitted to the journal (including Digital Object Identifier DOI and/or URL address) to ensure there will be a link to the original record.
  • After publication, the following text can be added to preprint versions to encourage readers to use and cite the final published version of the article:
  • "This is an original manuscript of an article published in [JOURNAL TITLE], available online: https://revistas.javeriana.edu.co/ | [Article DOI].".

All submitted manuscripts will be checked for originality using plagiarism detection software. Any text symilarity detected above 30 % may lead to further evaluation to determine if there is text recycling or any other malpractice.

6.4. Conflicts of Interest

To uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct in all aspects of our publishing activities, all editors, reviewers, and authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may arise during the publication process.

Conflicts of interest can arise in a number of different forms. For example, an editor may have a financial or personal relationship with an author or organization whose work they are evaluating. Similarly, a reviewer may have a personal or professional connection to an author that could influence their assessment of the manuscript.

To ensure that conflicts of interest are identified and appropriately managed, we require all editors, reviewers, and authors to disclose any relevant financial or non-financial relationships that could be perceived as having the potential to influence their judgment. This includes any relationships with organizations, companies, or individuals that may have a direct or indirect interest in the research or findings presented in the manuscript.

In cases where a potential conflict of interest is identified, we will take appropriate steps to manage the conflict and ensure that the integrity of the publication process is maintained. This may include assigning a different editor or reviewer to the manuscript, or requiring additional disclosures from the authors.

6.5. Data Sharing and Reproducibility

Data Sharing Policy: authors are encouraged to make all data underlying their research available to other researchers, either through open data repositories or by providing the data upon request.

Data Accessibility: Authors should provide information on how to access their data, including any necessary software or programming code required to reproduce their results. The data should be accessible and usable by other researchers, and should be accompanied by clear documentation that describes the data and its provenance./p>

Data Citation: Authors should cite all datasets used in their research, and should provide complete references to these datasets in the manuscript. Data should be considered a valuable scholarly output and should be cited and recognized as such.

Reproducibility: Authors should provide all necessary information to enable other researchers to reproduce their research, including detailed descriptions of their methods, software code, and data sources. Authors should also include detailed descriptions of any data preprocessing, analysis, or interpretation performed in their research.

Quality Control: Authors should provide information on any quality control procedures used in their research, including how they identified and dealt with outliers, missing data, or other issues that may affect the validity of their results.

Open Science: Open science practices are recommended, such as pre-registration of research protocols and the use of open-source software tools. Open science practices can help to increase transparency, reproducibility, and accountability in research.

6.6. Malpractice Statement

To maintain the integrity of the research process and ensure high quality in every published work, scholarly journals must address various malpractices that can occur during the publication process. Some of the most common malpractices that scholarly journals encounter are plagiarism, salami slicing, double submission, and data fabrication/falsification:

  • Plagiarism occurs when an author uses someone else's work, ideas, or words without proper attribution or citation. This includes copying and pasting text, paraphrasing without proper citation, or presenting someone else's work as one's own. Plagiarism undermines the credibility of the research and violates ethical and professional standards.
  • Salami Slicing is the practice of breaking up one study into multiple smaller studies to increase the number of publications. This practice can lead to the duplication of data and ideas, and can also result in incomplete or misleading information being published.
  • Double Submission occurs when an author submits the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. This practice can waste the time and resources of multiple journals, as well as delay the publication of other research.
  • Data Fabrication/Falsification occurs when an author knowingly or unknowingly fabricates or falsifies research data or results. This can include manipulating data to obtain desired results, or fabricating data that was never collected or analyzed. Data fabrication/falsification undermines the credibility of the research and can have serious consequences for the scientific community and the public.

Other malpractices that can occur in scholarly publishing include conflicts of interest, duplicate publication, citation manipulation, and guest authorship. All of these malpractices can have serious consequences for the credibility of the research, the reputation of the authors, and the integrity of the scientific community.

6.7. Allegations of Research Misconduct

In the event that ethical misconduct or malpractice is suspected, the editorial team will conduct a thorough investigation. If the investigation confirms the misconduct or malpractice, appropriate actions will be taken, including, but not limited to:

  • Contacting the relevant authorities, such as the author's institution or funding agency.
  • Retracting the published article.
  • Banning the author from submitting to our journal system.
  • Removing the author from the editorial board.

We take any suspected ethical misconduct or malpractice very seriously, and we will take all necessary steps to ensure that the integrity of our journals is maintained.

6.8. Correction and Retraction Guidelines

Here are some general guidelines for authors who need to correct or retract a scholarly journal article:

  • Act quickly and responsibly: If you discover errors or misconduct in your article, it is important to act quickly and responsibly. Delaying correction or retraction can cause harm to the scientific community and damage your own reputation.
  • Contact the journal: You should contact the journal's editor or publisher as soon as possible to inform them of the error or misconduct. Explain the situation clearly and provide any evidence or documentation that supports your decision to correct or retract the article.
  • Provide a clear reason for the correction or retraction: You should provide a clear and detailed explanation of why you are correcting or retracting the article. This can include minor errors, errors in the data, methodology, or analysis, as well as ethical or legal concerns.
  • Include a correction or retraction notice: The journal will likely require you to submit a retraction notice to be published alongside the original article. The retraction notice should include the article title, authors, and publication details, as well as a clear and concise explanation of why the article is being corrected or retracted.
  • Correct the record: If the retraction is due to errors in the data or analysis, you should work with the journal to correct the record by publishing a correction or erratum.
  • Be transparent and accountable: Retracting an article can be a difficult and embarrassing process, but it is important to be transparent and accountable. You should take responsibility for the errors or misconduct and work to prevent similar issues in the future.
  • Follow ethical guidelines: Retracting an article can have serious consequences for the scientific community, so it is important to follow ethical guidelines and best practices. You should be honest, transparent, and respectful throughout the retraction process.

Retraction should be a last resort and should only be used in cases of serious errors or misconduct. If you are unsure about whether to retract an article, you should seek advice from the journal's editor, a colleague, or a professional association. By taking appropriate steps to retract flawed or unethical research, journals can help maintain the integrity of the scientific record and protect the trust of their readers and the broader scientific community.

Retractions can also be issued by the journals or Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. The following guidelines outline the steps that journals should take when retracting a published paper:

  • Identify the reason for the retraction: Journals should clearly state the reason for the retraction in the retraction notice. Common reasons for retraction include scientific errors, plagiarism, data manipulation, and ethical violations.
  • Notify the authors: The journal should contact the authors of the retracted paper to inform them of the decision to retract and the reason for the retraction. The authors should be given an opportunity to respond and provide any additional information that may be relevant.
  • Publish a retraction notice: The journal should publish a retraction notice that clearly identifies the retracted paper, the reason for the retraction, and any relevant details. The notice should be prominently displayed in the journal and clearly linked to the original article.
  • Provide a detailed explanation: The retraction notice should provide a detailed explanation of the reason for the retraction, including any specific errors or ethical concerns. The notice should also include a statement about the impact of the retraction on the scientific record and any potential implications for future research.
  • Correct the literature: The retraction notice should include a statement about any corrections or clarifications that may be needed in other publications that cited the retracted paper. The journal should also work with other databases and indexes to ensure that the retraction is properly reflected in the literature.
  • Follow established guidelines: The journals edited by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana follow established guidelines for retraction developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). These guidelines provide a framework for handling retractions and ensuring transparency and consistency in the process.
  • Consider sanctions: In cases where there is evidence of misconduct, the journal may need to consider imposing sanctions on the authors, such as banning them from submitting future papers to the journal or reporting the misconduct to relevant institutions.

7. Double-Blind Peer-Review Process

Our scholarly journals follow double-blind peer review policy to ensure fairness and impartiality of the review process. This policy ensures that both the reviewers and authors remain anonymous to each other throughout, thus reducing the potential for bias and promoting objectivity:

Reviewer Anonymity: Reviewers are not provided with the name, affiliation, or any identifying information about the authors of the article being reviewed. This ensures that the review is based solely on the quality and merit of the research presented in the article.

Author Anonymity: Authors are not provided with the name or affiliation of the reviewers. This ensures that the authors' opinions of the reviewers do not influence the submission and review process.

Reviewer Selection: Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and experience in the field of the article being reviewed. Our journal's editorial board selects reviewers who have no conflict of interest with the authors of the article.

Review Criteria: Reviewers are asked to evaluate the article based on the following criteria:

  • Originality of the research
  • Significance and relevance of the research to the field
  • Clarity and coherence of the argument and presentation
  • Methodological rigor and accuracy of the data presented
  • Appropriate use of references and citations

Reviewer Feedback: Reviewers are asked to provide constructive feedback to the authors on how to improve the quality and clarity of their research. Reviewers are encouraged to be critical but constructive in their feedback and to provide specific suggestions for improvement.

Editorial Decision: The editor-in-chief makes the final decision on whether to accept or reject the article for publication. The editor takes into account the reviewers' comments and feedback, as well as the article's originality, significance and quality.

Reviewer Confidentiality: All reviewers are required to maintain the confidentiality of the review process and not to share the content of the article or their review with anyone else without the editor's permission.

8. Open Access and Self Archiving Policy

This scientific and scholarly journals system works under a Diamond Open Access model. This means, it does not require any publication, processing, access or subscription fees. Instead, it is entirely funded and supported by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.

Postprint and self archiving are allowed (to post the published version anywhere) with no embargo under the following conditions:

  • Published source must be acknowledged
  • Must link to the original work
  • Must indicate if changes have been made

The Publisher SHERPA/RoMEO license can be accessed in the following link: https://beta.sherpa.ac.uk/publisher/1759

Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana is part of the Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network (PKP PN) to deposit and preserve all contents published by using the LOCKSS program.

9. Advertising and Marketing

Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana does not regularly invest in advertising for the Scientifia and Scholarly Journal System. However, it ensures that any possible advertising piece does not interfere with the integrity and quality of the published contributions. Our advertising and marketing policy statement includes the following guidelines:

  • Advertisements do not compromise the quality or integrity of our publication or compromise our independence as a scholarly journal.
  • Advertisements are not misleading or deceptive, and should comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Advertisements do not imply endorsement or sponsorship by our journals or our editorial teams.
  • Advertisements are clearly identified as such and are visually distinguishable from editorial content.
  • Advertisements are targeted to relevant and appropriate audiences and not interfere with the user experience of our readers.

We reserve the right to reject or remove any advertisement deemed inappropriate, misleading, or inconsistent with our values and mission.

We believe that responsible advertising and marketing practices can help promote the visibility and impact of our journals and increase the visibility and accessibility of the research we publish.

10. Governing Body | Editorial Team Contact Information

Publisher: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

Contact: Editorial Coordination of Scientific Journals

Email: crc2@javeriana.edu.co

The Publisher carries out the editorial process of the articles approved for publication only and is not responsible for the selection and evaluation of contributions. Each journal has specific disciplinar and formal submission guidelines. If you have any concerns, please head to each title homepage or refer the following list of email contacts:

How to cite

Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2023). Editorial Policy, Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
