Published Feb 12, 2019


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Cristian Salas Pérez

Daniel Coy Castro

Karen Acuña Ramírez

Luisa Páez Cuervo

Erika Upegui



Bogotá has undergone a fast urban development in the last decades, being characterized by a lack of planning and basin contamination, and bringing about environmental impacts. The forest reserve Thomas van der Hammen has not stayed away from these urban development processes. This reserve located in the northwestern city, however, has a great environmental relevance as it is an ecologic corridor connecting the eastern mountains and the Bogotá River. This work consists in a multi-temporal study around this reserve by using remote sensing techniques. Based on spectral indexes such as the IBI and by calculating the surface temperature, this work managed to discriminate the areas that became waterproof in the term from 1989 to 2018. The results indicate that the remote sensing techniques used to monitor the waterproof areas are reliable. This way, the anthropic intervention in this reserve can be measured along the time. The monitoring performed in the reserve shows that the reserve itself has prevented the urban development from the northern city to reach the Bogotá River and to generate a higher load to the basin, by making waterproof this city area.


Impervious surface cover, land use planning, urbanization, remote sensing, extracting land coverImpermeabilización urbana, planeación urbana, urbanización, teledetección, extracción de cubiertas

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How to Cite
Salas Pérez, C., Coy Castro, D., Acuña Ramírez, K., Páez Cuervo, L., & Upegui, E. (2019). Urban Growth and Soil Waterproofing around the Forest Reserve Thomas van der Hammen in the City of Bogotá. Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 23(44).