Published Sep 9, 2022


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Leonardo Cardona Patiño



The farming of bananas in the region of Urabá - Antioquia, occupies the first place in the country in fruit production of banana and export, this generates significant revenue for the sustainability and progress of the sub-region, this in turn leads to environmental problems ; through this research we examined the potential involvement of the river Carepa, generated by the activities in banana plantations, such as planting, crop development, harvesting and packing developed, we took as samples 6,000 hectares cultivated banana that were on the banks of the river; it was marked the pesticides most commonly used in the above mentioned, was compared with research from previous years, in the process were measured in-situ parameters such as pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and electrical conductivity of some form were preserved and preserved samples to determine by means of the technique liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry the Etilentiourea (etu) a byproduct of the Fungicide Mancozeb him more used by this activities, the agricultural and as well learn more about the risk of ecotoxicity in the water source subject of study.

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How to Cite
Cardona Patiño, L. (2022). Evaluación de la Incidencia de la actividad agrícola bananera en aguas superficiales del rio Carepa y red de drenajes de varias fincas bananeras, en la región del Urabá Antioquia – Colombia. Ambiente Y Desarrollo, 24(47).