Published Jan 26, 2017


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Jaime Andrés Correa-García

María Clara Hernández-Espinal

Lorena Vásquez-Arango

Yudy Marcela Soto-Restrepo


Integrated reports meet the current information demand from stakeholders, who need to make better decisions and observe in the reports company value generation. In order to meet the purpose of the research, we took the 2013 Integrated Reports from ten Colombian companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for emerging markets and five variables were established (report structure, corporate governance, economic, social, and environmental) with their corresponding indicators to evaluate the fulfillment of their disclosures according to several international guidelines. We have as a result that companies give the right amount of importance to the disclosure of integrated information to show themselves as more transparent and competitive in the market

disclosure, value-based management, integrated reports, sustainability, stakeholdersRevelación, gerencia basada en el valor, reportes integrados, sostenibilidad, grupos de interésRevelação, gerencia baseada no valor, relatórios integrados, sustentabilidade, grupos de interesse

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How to Cite
Correa-García, J. A., Hernández-Espinal, M. C., Vásquez-Arango, L., & Soto-Restrepo, Y. M. (2017). Integrated Reports and Value Generation in Colombian Companies Included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 17(43).