Published May 30, 2017


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Luis Enrique Duarte-Verdugo

Juan Carlos Robles-Ibarra

Beatriz Pico-González

Genoveva Rosano-Ortega



In this research an empirical study was carried out in coal beneficiation plants located in the municipality of San Javier, in the state of Sonora, in Mexico, aiming to design a sustainable model of cleaner production that solves the problems generated by these mineral coal beneficiation plants, when they are in operation. the main problem identified was that coal beneficiation plants do not contribute to sustainable development, because they generate a large amount of emissions, which affect the human resources that work in these plants and negatively impact the surrounding environment. Two instruments were used to obtain the information required in the design of the model and the achievement of the objectives: a survey and the Leopold Matrix. With both instruments, results were obtained that supported the proposed model. the model obtained in this research is of general application, given that
it can be used in any production system.


Empirical study, cleaner production, sustainable development, environment.Estudio empírico, producción más limpia, desarrollo sostenible, medio ambiente.Estudo empírico, produção mais limpa, desenvolvimento sustentável, meio ambiente.

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How to Cite
Duarte-Verdugo, L. E., Robles-Ibarra, J. C., Pico-González, B., & Rosano-Ortega, G. (2017). Empirical Study in Mineral Coal Beneficiation Plants Located in San Javier, Sonora, Mexico, to Design a Sustainable Cleaner Production System. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 18(45).