Published Mar 4, 2019


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Paulo Sérgio Almeida Santos

Josimar Pires da Silva

José Matias Pereira

Augusta Conceição Ferreira dos Santos



The aim of the study is to verify the extent to which Brazilian regional governments opportunistically manipulate the budgetary results in the reporting of small balances, and whether the electoral cycles and the fiscal responsibility laws are incentives for this practice. Through a cross-regional analysis, we researched the case of the Brazilian regional governments (n=27), during a longitudinal period from 1989 to 2014, totaling 702 observations. The main discoveries indicate that governments tend to be involved in the manipulation of budgetary results, that is, they disclose small budgetary balances close to zero. Also, note that the electoral cycle has no conclusive effects on this practice; at the same time, the governments have incentives to respond positively to the rules of the fiscal responsibility law.


earnings management, public budget, electoral cycle, fiscal responsibility lawmanipulación de resultados, presupuesto público, ciclo electoral, ley de responsabilidad fiscal

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How to Cite
Almeida Santos, P. S., Pires da Silva, J., Pereira, J. M., & Ferreira dos Santos, A. C. (2019). Evidence of manipulation of budgetary results in the public sector: Cross-subnational analysis for Brazil. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 19(48), 1–14.