Published May 19, 2020


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Claudio de Souza Miranda

João Paulo Resende de Lima

Elisabeth de Oliveira Vendramin



This study analyses the perception of professionals about the skills using spreadsheets. It consists of a survey applied to a sample of 237 professionals (auditors, accountants, controllers and financial analysts) from Hispanic America, captured by LinkedIn. It is observed that using spreadsheets is considered one of the most necessary skills for these professionals, and their knowledge about it is, on average, high. That is especially the case for controllers. On the other hand, more advanced tools like Macros and Visual Basic for Application (VBA) still show a low level of knowledge. Knowledge is acquired mainly at work and by self-learning. The results show that new entrants have a lower level of knowledge than their peers. Furthermore, for most professionals, undergraduate faculties must train better their students in using this kind of tool.


Accounting education, professional skills, spreadsheets, information technologyeducación contable, competencias profesionales, hojas de cálculo, tecnología de la informacióneducação contábil, competências profissionais, planilhas eletrônicas, tecnologia da informação

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How to Cite
Miranda, C. de S., de Lima, J. P. R., & Vendramin, E. de O. (2020). Spreadsheets Knowledge of Professionals in Accounting and Financial Areas in Hispanic America. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 21, 1–21.