Accounting and Corporate Governance Regulation in the Financialization in Colombian Public Interest Companies
This document explores the role played by changes in accounting and corporate governance –CG– regulation in the positioning of firm financial conception in Colombian public interest organizations. Critical Discourse Analysis was applied to public interest companies reports and articles of important national magazines and newspapers, from 2010 to 2015. The analysis evaluates the role assigned to accounting and CG in the evolution of three main elements of relationships among organizational agents: the investor’s legitimation, value creation, and financial management. It is concluded that regulation changes in accounting and CG have been articulated in different ways in the organizational and institutional dimensions of the firm. Whereas the first dimension approaches the organic conception of a firm, the second is closed to the financial conception.
Financialization, corporate governance, accounting, controlfinanciarización, gobierno corporativo, contabilidad, controlFinanciamento, governança corporativa, contabilidade, controle
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