Published Dec 25, 2022


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Everton da Silveira Farias

Diogo Cabeda

Marco Antônio dos Santos Martins

Mauro Mastella



This article investigates, using the Effective Tax Rate (ETR), the factors that can determine the tax neutrality of Brazilian publicly traded companies after the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the subsequent Definitive Tax Regime (DTR) of Law No. 12.973/14. The research comprises data from 1088 companies-year, publicly traded and listed on the Brasil Bolsa Balcão (B3) from 2015 to 2018. The data were extracted from Economática® and the financial statements of the companies analyzed in the study; the estimates were performed using the panel data technique. From the evidence found in the literature, 5 (five) hypotheses were elaborated for confirmation using two different models of Multivariate Regression Analysis. The results reveal that company characteristics such as size, indebtedness, profitability does not account for the possible causes in the reduction of the ETR, from the beginning of the DTR. However, the study identifies that some accounting choices, specifically the payment of Interest on Equity (IE), can explain the ETR of of Brazilian publicly traded companies. ​Finally, this article seeks to contribute to studies related to the characteristics of firms and their accounting choices that generate effects on effective taxation.


Effective tax rate, tax neutrality, tax regime, accounting choices, law No. 12,973 / 14Taxa tributária efetiva, neutralidade tributária, regime tributário, escolhas contábeis, lei n° 12.973/14tasa efectiva de tributación, la neutralidad tributaria, régimen tributário, opciones contables, la ley N ° 12.973 / 14

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How to Cite
Everton da Silveira Farias, Diogo Cabeda, Marco Antônio dos Santos Martins, & Mauro Mastella. (2022). Accounting choices and determinant characteristics in the tax neutrality of Brazilian public companies after International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption. Cuadernos De Contabilidad, 23, 1–17.