Published Dec 30, 2019


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Jorge J. Locane



This paper departs from the dominant trend that presents the Colombian writer Tomás González as a novelist, to highlight his poetic work. The series Manglares, which consists so far by three different editions of the same book of poems, is analyzed as an unstable text that, at times, nourishes the narrative corpus. The analysis focuses on how this poetry collection puts into question the memory conceived as a consolidated and solid personal archive. By contrast, the memory displayed in Manglares is permanently reconfigured and constitutes therefore the basis of an unsteady self which is constantly updated. 


Tomás González, poetry, Manglare, memoryTomás González, poesía, Manglares, memoriaTomás González, poesia, Manglares, memória

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How to Cite
Locane, J. J. (2019). Dispersions of memory, flows and porosities in the series Manglares (1997, [2005], 2006, 2013) by Tomás González. Cuadernos De Literatura, 23(46).