Published Sep 27, 2021


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Laura A. Lewis



Engaging primary documents and scholarly debates, this article examines an array of practices in colonial Mexico as it undertakes a discursive account of how gender ideologies informed the politics of discipline and a range of behaviors that went from atypical sexuality to cross-dressing and witchcraft. It speaks to a world set ambiguously between the violations of social norms and the uncertainties of official culture as it examines these heterodox practices, especially those related to Indians.


New Spain, Mexico, heterodoxy, gender, caste, sexualityNueva España, México, heterodoxia, género, casta, sexualidad

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How to Cite
Lewis, L. A. (2021). From Sodomy to Superstition: The Active Pathic and Bodily Transgressions in New Spain. Cuadernos De Literatura, 25, 28.
Dossier: Género y Cultura Colonial