Published May 5, 2022


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Paul M. Worley

Rita Palacios



This essay uses the category of ts’íib to examine works by two author/artists from Chi Xot (San Juan Comalapa, Chimaltenango, Guatemala), Negma Coy and Edgar Calel. As seen in works by Maya intellectuals Irma Otzoy, Gaspar Pedro González, and Pedro Uc Be, ts’íib is an understanding of Maya artistic and cultural production that includes and exceeds the written word. As such, by considering these works as ts’íib, we argue that one finds that these authors reveal how writing in Latin script is simply another tool in relation to other textualities that all participate within the same space of enjoyment and learning.


literature, mayas, Guatemala, indigenous studies, epistemologyliteratura, mayas, Guatemala, estudios indígenas, epistemología

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How to Cite
Worley, P. M., & Palacios, R. (2022). Comalapa’s Painted Words: Ts’íib in the Works of Negma Coy and Edgar Calel. Cuadernos De Literatura, 26, 24.