Published Jul 30, 2014


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Víctor Valladares Vadillo

Francisco Javier Cárdenas Munguía


The article approach a topic of impact phenomen of urban sprawl in the rural territoryand takes as a case study the northern Valley Colima, Mexico. In turn, seeks to characterizethe social impacts on the original inhabitants of the area compared to the lifestylesof the new inhabitants of urban customs. A theoretical analysis that includes conceptssuch as rural development, rural urbanization, urbanization of the country, endogenousdevelopment, ambitectura, inter alia, then the study area is characterized and the phenomenaof development are described, and finally have the perception that original andurban dwellers in relation to the quality of life in the region is investigated.

Desarrollo rural, interacción campo-ciudad, percepción social, suelo rural-campestre, territorio rural, urbanización del campoDesenvolvimento rural, interação rural-urbana, percepção social, terra rural-piquenique, território rural, urbanização do campoRural-country land, rural development, rural territory, rural-urban interaction, social perception, urbanization of the country

How to Cite
Valladares Vadillo, V., & Cárdenas Munguía, F. J. (2014). Interactions between Two Rural Residents at North of the Valley of Colima (Mexico). Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 7(14), 242–259.