Published Aug 23, 2017


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Érika E. Pérez Múzquiz

Claudia Rodríguez Espinosa



The following article deals with the analysis of social-interest housing in the peripheral area of Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico, which is considered as a mid-sized city due to its demographic size. The main objective of this work is to review the housing being made in the rural-urban area based on the work methodology developed by Zaída Muxí and Joseph María Montaner of the UPC-Barcelona, called 14 + 1, and under the concept of community. Results show that the developers of these developments offer in their commercial pitch an idyllic place that only exists in their rhetoric. This is because these are in fact marginalized areas of the city, located in risk areas with a low quality of life, housing, and public space, where the absence of productive and reproductive workplaces represents only a part of the deficiencies.


community, housing, marginalization, segregationcomunidad, marginación, vivienda, segregacióncomunidade, marginalização, habitação, segregação

How to Cite
Pérez Múzquiz, Érika E., & Rodríguez Espinosa, C. (2017). City construction processes, segregation and housing in mid-sized mexican cities. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 10(20), 20–31.