Published Aug 23, 2017


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Eugenio Actis Di Pasquale



The measurement of the housing conditions of a territory is particularly important for the implementation of public policies. Traditional methods focus on the measurement of deficits and leave aside that part of the population which is closer to the threshold. Based on specific proposals, the standards of international organizations, national legislation, and a significant participation of specialists, this study proposes a quantitative methodology, which avoids said loss of information by including the entire population of a territory, assigning a score to each person according to the characteristics of the household they live in. To validate this proposal, we present an application with data from Argentina, where its versatility is verified given that it allows for the detection of issues in each dimension while also getting to analyze the average level, the intra and inter-territorial distribution, and the welfare loss due to inequality.


bem-estar social, distribuição das rendas, indicadores de desenvolvimento, moradiabienestar social, distribución del ingreso, indicadores de desarrollo, viviendasocial welfare, income distribution, development indicators, housing

How to Cite
Di Pasquale, E. A. (2017). Measuring housing conditions: a methodological proposal to analyze inequalities in the inter and intraurban territories. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 10(20), 46–67.