Published Apr 29, 2019


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This work seeks to do an interpretation of the current situation in the land and housing market in the city of Tandil. To do so, the urban land rent theory will be used as it allows to know the processes underlying the housing market configuration in the cities as well as the presence of different types of rent for the real estate pricing and their incidence on the explanation of the spatial arrangement in the residential areas. In addition, a housing typology is proposed to enable the characterization and accounting for the different forces converging in the residential areas of Tandil, a middle-sized conglomeration in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. To this purpose, primary information sources and data from the National Census for Population, Households and Housing are used (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos [Indec], 2010). The cartography is tailored based on geographic information systems


land market, rent, Tandil, housing typologymercado del suelo, renta, Tandil, tipología habitacionalmercado fundiário, renda, Tandil, tipologia habitacional

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How to Cite
Migueltorena, A., & Linares, S. (2019). The Urban Land Market and the Production of Residential Space in the City of Tandil, Argentina. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 12(23).