Published Sep 8, 2020


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Jorge Miguel Mondragón López

César Mario Fuentes Flores

Oscar Peláez Herros



This articles aims to set out a quantitative methodology to identify the factors contributing to the gentrification process under a consumption approach in four central districts (alcaldías) of Mexico City during the term 2000-2010. This case is studied based on the consumption classic current applied to the gentrification and in particular the Latin-American approach. To do so, a logistic regression model was constructed with a socio-demographic transformation indicator as the dependent variable. The information is taken from the Population and Housing Censuses 2000 and 2001 as well as the Economic Censuses 1998 and 2009 according to the Ageb. This model identifies three factors that increase the probability to transform socio-demographically the neighborhoods such as access to their area, land value and land use mixing. The model also shows that the greater distance between a neighborhood and the historic downtown, the lower probability for a socio-demographic, economic and urban transformation therein.


Mexico City;, gentrification;, logistic regression;, socio-demographicsCiudad de México;, gentrificación;, regresión logística;, sociodemográficoCidade do México;, gentrificação;, regressão logística;, sociodemográfico

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How to Cite
Mondragón López, J. M., Fuentes Flores, C. M., & Peláez Herros, O. (2020). Gentrification in Some Neighborhoods of the Central Districts in Mexico City (2000-2010). A Quantitative Methodological Proposal under a Consumption Approach. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 13.