Published Sep 8, 2020


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Leandro Ludwig

Marcos Antonio Mattedi

Maria Roseli Avila



This text aims to address the relationship between social-environmental disasters and the Urban Planning in the definition of urban expansion strategies from Blumenau to the North Region of the city. It is argued that the city was modified from two processes: 1) The effects of urban planning (generated by the idea of an ideal city); 2) the disaster effects (generated by the actual city). From these two processes, this text evidences that the strategies of the Urban and Regional Planning of Blumenau constitute social markers of the segregating effect of disasters. In order to develop this argument the text is structured in three main sections: 1) The formation and urban development of Blumenau; 2) disasters and the myth of urban expansion to the Northern Region; 3) the relationship between disasters and the limits of Urban Planning.


natural disaster;, urban expansion;, urban planning;, urban voids;, Blumenaudesastre natural;, expansão urbana;, planejamento urbano;, vazios urbanos;, Blumenaudesastre natural;, expansión urbana;, planificación urbana;, vacíos urbanos;, Blumenau

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How to Cite
Ludwig, L., Mattedi, M. A., & Avila, M. R. (2020). Urban Planning and Socioenvironmental Disasters: The Myth of Urban Expansion in Blumenau/SC. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 13.