Published Aug 10, 2022


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Luis Carlos Cruz-Ramírez



This article aims to explain the relationship between the change of use of buildings, from housing to tourism, according to the road where they are located in a historic center. A set of buildings located in the historic center of the city of Granada, Nicaragua was taken as the object of study. The data was obtained through direct observation along some routes carried out on main roads. In order to know the relationship that exists between the change of use and the type of road, probabilistic analyses were conducted according to the nature of the data. It was found that there is a relationship between tourist facilities and roads. Likewise, that the greatest frequency of modifications takes place for gastronomic services. This study can be replicated in Latin-American historic centers with regular traces with tourist incidence and has implications in the knowledge of the effects of tourism on the built heritage


adaptations;, pedestrian streets;, historic centers;, architectural buildings;, , heritage and tourismadaptações;, ruas pedestres;, centros históricos;, prédios arquitetônicos;, patrimônio e turismoadaptaciones;, calles peatonales;, centros históricos;, edificios arquitectónicos;, patrimonio y turismo.

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How to Cite
Cruz-Ramírez, L. C. . (2022). Tourist Integration in Historic Centers: Adaptations of Use by Type of Road. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 22.