Published Aug 10, 2022


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Gabriel García Moreno



A little over a hundred years after the introduction of the automobile in cities, many of its impacts are still unknown. This study aims to address the implications of vehicle storage on the intensity of urban land use, based on the analysis of a commercial development in a high-value downtown area in a Mexican border city and the applicable regulations. in urban matters. This seeks to provide data to demonstrate the relationship between the space for car parking and the dispersed city model based on local regulations of an architectural and urban nature.


parking;, urban planning;, regulations;, urban sprawlestacionamiento;, planificación urbana;, normatividad;, dispersión urbanaaparcamento;, planejamento urbano;, regulamentação;, expansão urbana

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How to Cite
García Moreno, G. (2022). Parking and Land Use. Regulatory Requirements in a Commercial development in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 27.