Published Aug 10, 2022


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Heber Nehemias Chui Betancur

Edilberto Huaquisto Ramos

Germán Belizario Quispe

Ángel Canales Gutiérrez

Alfredo Pelayo Calatayud Mendoza



The vernacular architecture of the high Andean areas of Peru is an inspiration for innovations in design, harmony with the environment, and climatic and environmental solutions provided within sustainable design. The article characterizes the thermal conductivity, the spatial organization, the ancestral beliefs and customs that reflect the economic, social, ideological and psychological identities imprinted in the landscape of rural vernacular dwellings in the municipality of Atuncolla in Puno, Peru. Measurements are made of the distribution of physical space and the characterization of construction materials, as well as the orientation and location of houses, and the thermal conductivity of adobe is determined in the laboratory. It is considered green architecture, given that the construction materials are made mainly with own resources such as adobe, whose thermal conductivity is 0.20175 ± 0.00645, which are low energy consumption (zero energy), friendly to the environment and free of greenhouse gases


adobe construction;, zero energy houses;, spatial organization;, sustainabilityconstrucción de adobe;, casas de energía cero;, organización espacial;, sostenibilidadconstrução em adobe;, casas de energia zero;, organização espacial;, sustentabilidade

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How to Cite
Chui Betancur, H. N. ., Huaquisto Ramos, E., Belizario Quispe, G., Canales Gutiérrez, Ángel, & Calatayud Mendoza, A. P. (2022). Characteristics of Vernacular Architecture in High Andean Areas of Peru. A Contribution to the Study of the Rural World. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 15, 21.