Published Jun 20, 2013


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Elvia Marina Mena Romaña



Housing are inhabited by differente people and cultures that implated themselves, as these cultures are part of their lives, provide identity to residents and are transmitted in this way to housing. Therefore, the standar model implemented inthe priority interest housing (VIP, by inicitials in spanish) specifically designed to relocate populations, is a physical constraint that conflict with the cultural patterns of the population and the generates conflicts associated with coexistence. this article explores the complexity of living in housing solutions built by the municipal administration since 2001 to date, specially those built in the Pajarito Macroproject (Northwest Medellin). The method is qualitative and part of an ethnographic approach, which was conducted from life stories and general comments. the insteres of this article explains the pervasiveness of this type of construction, lack of social responsibility when running housing, restrictive living conditions in the population and loss of indentity that is generated in the diferent social groups.


política pública de vivienda, habitabilidad, cultura, reasentamientos, vivienda de interés social prioritariopublic housing policy, housing, culture, resettlement, social housing prioritypolíticas públicas de habitação, habitação, cultura, reassentamento, habitação social uma prioridade

How to Cite
Mena Romaña, E. M. (2013). Habitability of the priority-affordable housing within the framework of culture. Resettlement of black communities from Vallejuelos to Mirador de Calasanz in Medellin, Colombia. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 4(8).