Published Jun 20, 2013

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Claudia Liliana Delgado-Rodríguez



This study identifies and analyzes how the social representations of two Colombian Pacific Coast communities, the neighborhood of Brisas del Poblado in the municipality of Quibdo and the neighborhood of Candamo in the municipality of Tumaco, adjust and organize their individual, family, and community behaviors in the disposal of their excrements. This research begins from the installation of dry ecological toilets (ecoses) by two NGOs in Quibdo and Tumaco. The study determines that it is necessary to understand the communities’ way of thinking before commencing intervention projects on basic sanitation and hygiene promotion. This will allow promoters to design an educational process on health incentives and initiate processes that aim to mediate among the utilization of traditional, new, and different methods.


Antropología aplicada, Afrocolombianos, relación con el entorno, resistencia, saberes cotidianos, sanitarios ecológicos secosAntropologia aplicada, afrocolombianos, relação com o entorno, resistência, saberes cotidianos, sanitários ecológicos secosApplied Anthropology, Afro Colombian, daily knowledge, ecological dry toilets, environment relationships, resistance

How to Cite
Delgado-Rodríguez, C. L. (2013). Social Representations of Hygiene and the Disposal of Excrements, the Case of the Introduction of Dry Ecological Toilets in Quibdo and Tumaco. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 1(2). Retrieved from