Published Jun 20, 2013

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Sonia Marcela Galeano-Rojas

Arley Bernardo Beltrán-Camacho



The diversity in perspectives on informality is the starting point of the present article, which presents an everyday sociological point of view of this phenomenon. In this sense, it exposes the transition of informality from a problem-like reading, towards its understanding as the space for the construction of social life, through the examination of this phenomenon’s manifestations in the context of informal commerce. It proposes an approach to the every day practices of individual and collective actors, as well as the theoretical construction of the concept by exploring its course in the academic field in order to achieve a conceptualization that contributes to the formulation of urban public policies. The present article is a contribution from the urban, political, and legal sociology that encourages the generation of complex perspectives on informality within the academy as well as in the public administration area.


Daily life, informality, public policy, public space, socialization, social interactionEspaço público, informalidade, interação social, política pública, socialização, vida cotidianaespacio público, informalidad, interacción social, política pública, socialización, vida cotidiana

How to Cite
Galeano-Rojas, S. M., & Beltrán-Camacho, A. B. (2013). City, Informality and Public Policies:a Reflection From Everyday Sociology. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 1(2). Retrieved from