Published Jun 20, 2013

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Gilberto Arango-Escobar



The rural space close to the Colombian large cities, presents a critical panorama due to its borderline situation between a field that has practically been abandoned as developmental, economic, and social project in the last sixty years, and a city submitted to an intensive urbanization process, which in a short period has changed the demography, economy, and culture of the country. In general terms, this critical rural scene presents the following characteristics:

Uncontrolled housing urbanization VIS, spontaneous, for recreation and second homes.

Precarious Peri urbanizations, following urban habitat standards.

Poor rural communities, uprooted and low-income work.

Progressive deterioration of strategic ecosystems, biodiversity, water sources, and agrarian landscape.

Rural homogenization

Fragmented and low-impact rural public policies

Plan ECO – correctional strategies – elaborated by the School of Habitat form the National Colombian University in Medellin. It suggests a management alternative for these territories to reach sustainable development under the idea of constructing a “new rural concept.”


New rural concept, Sustainable Rural Development, Agrarian District, Urban Expansion, food safetyNova ruralidade, espaço rur urbano, desenvolvimento rural sustentável, distrito agrário, expansão urbana, segurança alimentariaNueva ruralidad, espacio rur urbano, desarrollo rural sostenible, distrito agrario, expansión urbana, seguridad alimentaria

How to Cite
Arango-Escobar, G. (2013). Let´s Save the Colombian Rural Urban Space. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 1(2). Retrieved from