Published Jun 20, 2013


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Suly María Quinchía-Roldán



The present paper presents some of the results of the research project Discurso, ideología y poder en la producción de ciudad: un acercamiento a la práctica discursiva del urbanismo social en la ciudad de Medellín, 2004-2011, (Discourse, Ideology and Power in City Pro­duction: An Approach to the Discourse Practice of Social Urbanism in the City of Me­dellín, 2004-2011), which studies the urban policy put in motion in Medellín in the last few years with particular regard to the ways in which the city is conceived and produced. These underlie in the social urbanism plan and are reproduced through discourse. The analytic and methodological approach of this paper will be presented in such a context. Furthermore, the emergence of the notion of social urbanism, its original meaning and transformation will also be addressed, revealing its purposes and the characteristics of the proposed city model. Lastly, some conclusions on the research process and the ob­tained results will be presented.


Control, Discourse, Ideology, Power, City Production, Social UrbanismControl, discurso, ideología, poder, producción de ciudad, urbanismo socialControle, discurso, ideologia, poder, produção de cidade, urbanismo social

How to Cite
Quinchía-Roldán, S. M. (2013). City Discourse and Production:An Approach to the Social Urbanism Model in Medellín, Colombia. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 6(11).