Published Jun 20, 2013

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Fernando Campos-Medina

Lidia García-Ferrando

Jorge Larenas-Salas

Montserrat Simó-Solsona


Nowadays, cities show evidences of degenerative processes and inequalities as a result of the political and economic adjustment to globalisation. The neighbourhood level evidences in the territory the social and physical consequences of this phenomenon. This fact is not only the result of the abandonment of certain areas of the city but, in many cases, as a consequence or as a side effect of a deliberated action. Different levels of government with responsibilities in the city are currently developing public policies and actions to regenerate these areas. Objectives are multiple, among them, the achievement of social cohesion is a priority. This paper aims to analyse and compare the intervention strategies in Catalonia (Llei de Barris) and Chile (programa Quiero mi Barrio). Both policies are based on the idea of integral approach, nevertheless it is important to analyse the existence of mechanisms, in each context, to coordinate and implement social, physical and economic actions (transversal actions), shaping “partnership” and guarantee the inclusion of the main affected actors. We focuse on understand how to translate the design phase of these policies in a real implementation process.

Espaço urbano, Hábitat, Política da vivenda, Renovação urbanaEspacio urbano, hábitat, política de la vivienda, renovación urbana.Habitats, Housing Policy, Urban Renewal, Urban Spaces

How to Cite
Campos-Medina, F., García-Ferrando, L., Larenas-Salas, J., & Simó-Solsona, M. (2013). Urban Regeneration Practice in Chile and Catalonia. Analyse of Strategies in Design and Implementation Phases. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 2(4). Retrieved from