Published Jun 20, 2013

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David Perico-Agudelo



The migration flow and the tendency of the "mégapolizacion" of the cities carries strong impacts in itself to the territory, whereas fast urbanization does not take into account the different parameters of environmental sustainability. This article approaches another way to allow for public space from its thermal behavior. The aim is to establish the relations between urban development, microclimate and its impact on the thermal comfort of the citizen. The adopted methodology includes two tools: (1) thermal quantification with measurements taken in the field (air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity) that will form the climatic context for the answers to a survey (2) that will serve to obtain a simplified evaluation of thermal comfort. It is possible to think that a direct relation exists between thermal comfort, urban development and place of residence of the citizen who explains how the urban space is used.


Colômbia, comportamento térmico, conforto térmico, crescimento urbano, espaço público, micro-clima urbanoColombia, comportamiento térmico, confort térmico, crecimiento urbano, espacio público, microclima urbanoColombia, Public Space, Thermal Behavior, Thermal Comfort, Urban Growth, Urban Microclimate

How to Cite
Perico-Agudelo, D. (2013). The Public Space of the City:An Approach from the Study of its Microclimatic Characteristics. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 2(4). Retrieved from