Published Jun 21, 2013


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Gislene Pereira

Madianita Nunes da Silva



Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, the text discusses the relationship between irregular occupations, urban poverty and environmental degradation. It seeks to demonstrate that, despite being a reference in urban planning, Curitiba is no exception to the pattern of most Latin American cities where socio-spatial segregation and environmental degradation predominate. This pattern is due to the production of the city according to the logic of capitalism, which expels to inappropriate areas that portion of the population whose income does not allow paying the costs of a good location. Based on the fact that Latin American urban poverty is rising, and the city’s structure is based on market laws, this paper seeks to demonstrate that there is a trend of consolidating risk urbanism as a prevailing practice.



Urbanização, planejamento urbano, qualidade meio-ambientalUrbanización, planificación urbana, calidad medioambientalUrbanization, urban planning, environmental quality

How to Cite
Pereira, G., & Nunes da Silva, M. (2013). Urban poverty and environmental degradation:considerations on Curitiba, Brasil. Cuadernos De Vivienda Y Urbanismo, 4(7).