Estrategia de adaptación al cambio climático en pequeños agricultores de Bangka-Belitung, Indonesia
This study aimed to determine the effect of the socio-economic factors on climate change adaptation strategy of white pepper farmers in Bangka-Belitung Province, Indonesia. West Bangka Regency was chosen as a research site because this area is one of the main producer areas of white pepper. Then, 70 samples of white pepper farmers were randomly selected. The cross-section primary data were collected through interviewed directly with farmers in the research location using a list of questions in the questionnaire which had been served by the researcher. The logit regression model was used to analyze factors influencing farmers' adaptation to climate change. This research suggested as follows: 1) government programmes related to accelerating the implementation of climate change adaptation should be prioritized to female farmers 2) knowledge and technical skill of extension agent at local level relate to implementing adapted strategies of climate change must be increased, as well as materials regarding the implementation of climate change adaptation should be part of the agricultural extension syllabus for white pepper farmers.
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