Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article is unpublished and related to the rural sector and is not submitted simultaneously to another publication.
  • The file does not contain the names of the authors or other personal data.
  • The article has a maximum of 45,000 characters with space, including: the abstract (between 200 and 280 words) in the language of the document, tables and figures, the text. The bibliography is not counted within this number of characters.
  • Avoid using bibliographical references from International Journal of Rural Development unless they are indispensable.
  • Reference citations written by the author(s) of the article may not be more than two in the whole document.
  • The body of the article is free of figures (the full spectrum of graphs, illustrations, photographs, drawings, maps, flow charts, etc.), tables (information in tables with rows and columns) and formulas. These are sent separately as "attached files" and with the extensions or file types defined in the rules for authors.
  • References appear in full at the end of the article in list form, following APA (American Psychological Association).
  • If your article is the result of a research project, national and global indexers ask us to fill in the following form with the information of the project from which your article originates. Please fill it out in a separate Word document, and upload it to the system as an additional file to your contribution:
    Information on the origin of the article
    Name of the project
    Type of project
    Start and end date
    Total Project Value
  • The Partial Use Licence is included as an additional file.
  • Once you approve all the conditions, you will be able to upload your article and the additional files that complement it.
  • All authors of the article must be registered in the metadata of the submission including:
    Full name
    Institutional affiliation
    ORCID code

Instructions for authors

The International Journal Rural of Development (CDR) only publishes the results of original research, theoretical and practical, related to rural development in the Ibero-American context and the rest of the world. We welcome publications in spanish and english, but do not publish translations.

The reception of articles is open and constant.

Before submitting your contribution, please consider the following recommendations:

  • Check that your contribution is really relevant to the theme of rural development. Due to the number of incoming articles, relevance is strictly observed, as well as the quality of the manuscripts.
  • For each volume, only one contribution per author is received.
  • Only articles uploaded and submitted by authors via the OJS platform will be considered.
  • Before uploading your article to the OJS platform, please make sure that the file does not contain your name and other personal data in order to ensure blind review.
  • Please note that the review process of your article will take between three months and six months.
  • During the reception and evaluation process, the journal sends through the OJS platform, messages to your email account about the status of your contribution, so we recommend you to constantly check the spam folder because many messages sent from OJS may be hosted on this site.
  • Finally, we suggest you take into account all the requirements and rules of the journal before submitting your article. This is the first filter that is made, the document that does not arrive with all the requirements will not be approved.

We ask you to take into account the following information so that both you and the journal team make efficient use of editorial time and processes.

General information:

The corresponding author of the article must register as an Author in the journal's Open Journal System (OJS) profile, it is necessary to include in metadata the information of the co-authors (it is essential to include the name, email, institutional affiliation and ORCID code of the author and co-authors in OJS).

Once registered, you must follow the instructions there, upload the article and the requested format (Article source information). It is essential and obligatory to fill in all the fields of the registration form for each author as well as the information of the article. In the telephone field you must put all the dialling codes for the corresponding country.

General Requirements:

1. Papers must be completely unpublished, related to the rural sector and must not be submitted simultaneously to another publication. Translations of already published articles are not accepted.

Articles are preferably received in the following categories:

  • Research: where original results of research projects are presented, they should be composed of five parts: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.
  • Review: Renewed study of a topic previously dealt with. It includes studies on previously published literature. Generally, it does not present new information on a topic.  To comply with Colciencias requirements, it must contain a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

2.  Journalistic documents or general comments on a topic are not accepted.

3. Authors grant permission to Cuadernos de desarrollo rural for their article to be disseminated in other media.

4. The editorial committee carries out the evaluation procedure of the documents received under the double-blind methodology. All documents are evaluated by two professors or researchers with experience in the subject.

5. The reception of articles is open and constant.

6. Articles are received in Spanish and English.

7. The authors of the articles of each publication must guarantee that all persons involved in the research have given their informed consent (the form of which is attached and must be signed) and that their personal data are protected.

8. All authors must provide their ORCID; if they do not have it, the author must register at http://orcid.org/.

Presentation and length of articles:

  • The document must have a maximum of 45,000 characters with space that includes: the abstract (between 200 and 280 words, only in the language of the document), the text, tables and figures.The bibliography is not counted within this number of characters.
  • Please avoid using bibliographical references from Cuadernos de desarrollo rural unless they are indispensable.
  • Before uploading your article to the OJS platform, please make sure that the file does NOT contain the names of the authors.
  • It must be uploaded to the OJS platform in Word format with margins in Normal style (bottom and top: 2.5 cm; left and right: 3cm), on letter size paper, double paragraph spacing, left aligned, in Arial 12 font.

Articles should have a title, which should be descriptive and cover the content of the work, the place to which it refers and the time period covered by the study (please always indicate the years, avoid using phrases such as in the last decade).

The structure of the document should be adjusted to the guidelines recommended by the journal, which correspond to the following sections:

Abstract: Between 200 and 280 words. This section should have a brief description of each of the main sections: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and most relevant conclusions. It should avoid starting with "This article is about..." or similar. It should not include tables, numbers, references or mathematical expressions. The information in the abstract must be congruent with that presented in the rest of the article. 

Keywords: They must have between 3 and 6 key concepts, separated by commas. They should reflect the key concepts that structure the research.

Introduction: This section includes the conceptual framework on which the research is based with updated scientific sources.

Methodology: This segment includes the methods used, the description of the place, the explanation of the sample and everything related to the tools used for the development of the research.

Analysis of results: Describes the results found from the methods used in the development of the research.

Discussion: In this section the results found are crossed with the theoretical framework, as support for the subsequent conclusions.

Conclusions: These refer to the most relevant findings that contribute to the discussion of the subject matter and problems addressed by the research. 


Review articles must include at least 50 literature references.


  • A simple nomenclature will be used, using only the generic names of table, figure and formula. The entire spectrum of graphs, illustrations, photographs, drawings, maps, flowcharts, etc. should be labelled as figures. Information organised in tables with rows and columns, regardless of the amount of data or its level of complexity, shall be presented as a table. Formulas shall consist of alphanumeric sequences which may be accompanied by special characters.
  • All graphical elements are numbered with Arabic numerals, according to the order in which they appear in the text. All graphical elements must be mentioned in the body of the text.
  • Figures, tables and formulas must be submitted in files separate from the body of the text: a single consecutive file for tables, each figure as a separate file (following the quality and size criteria set out in the following section) and another for all formulas, indicating the number and the article to which they belong. These elements must be in high quality or editable versions, allowing editorial intervention without loss of readability.

Extensions or file types

Footnotes: Footnotes are not allowed under any circumstances. Please check that the document you attach does not contain footnotes.

Textual quotations: If you are going to use textual quotations, use them only to support the discussion of your topic in the article.

They should not exceed half a page in length.

References. They should appear in full at the end of the article in list form, in Arial 12 font, organised alphabetically by author and, for each author, in chronological order, from oldest to most recent. Following APA (American Psychological Association) international standards. It is recommended to check the citation of references in an automatic bibliography generator. You can consult http://citethisforme.com/es

  • The bibliographic list according to the APA style keeps an exact relationship with the citations that appear in the text of the work. It includes only those resources that were used to carry out the research and preparation of the paper. The following elements apply in the preparation of bibliographic records:
  • The bibliographic list will be titled: references.
  • The list is in alphabetical order by author's surname and is included with the initials of their first names.
  • The list is double-spaced.
  • Titles of journals or books are written in italics. In the case of journals, the text in italics comprises the title of the journal up to the number of the volume.

Articles that meet the thematic and formal requirements indicated in these instructions will be received for evaluation and submitted for consideration by the peer reviewers. Articles that do not comply with these rules will be declared as not approved. International Journal Rural of Development reserves the right to make any editorial changes it deems appropriate.

The partial licence for use must be attached as a PDF file. 




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