Published Jun 30, 2017


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Ana Rosa Romero López

Fernando Manzo Ramos



Producer-consumer linkages in a small rural market in Mexico are studied. Two short food supply chains were identified, which reduce producer-consumer distance and enable the exchange of information regarding egg origin and farming practices. This allowed the creation of food symbolism, increased consumers knowledge and trust on producer and their products. Producers increased knowledge regarding egg characteristics demanded and ways to satisfy such demand. It is concluded that small-scale egg producers are able to sale highly valued eggs by their tangible/intangible attributes, allowing closeness, confidence, food symbolism and exchange of information with consumers.


mercado local, pequeños productores

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How to Cite
Romero López, A. R., & Manzo Ramos, F. (2017). Understanding the Linkages between Small-Scale Producers and Consumers through the Analysis of Short Food Supply Chains in a Local Market in Nopala de Villagrán, Hidalgo, Mexico. International Journal of Rural Development, 14(79), 1–16.