Published Mar 29, 2019


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Paula Andrea Castaño-Quintero

María Victoria Gil-Cerezo

Carmen Galán Soldevilla

Eugenio Domínguez-Vilches



The Spanish Network of Biosphere Reserves (SNBR) has a monitoring programme enabling its degree of consolidation to be ascertained, as well as the levels of implementation and territorial assimilation of the Biosphere Reserves that it comprises. The statistical analysis carried out on the results of the SNBR implementation indicators for the period 2008–2014 stand out three fundamental aspects: i) two phases of implementation, ii) the improvements in the indicator scores in the second phase, and iii) the influence of the indicators on the levels of implementation achieved. Some key aspects are noted that could contribute to the enhancement of the implementation of these reserves.


evaluation, indicators, local development, participation in management, sustainable development, UNESCO MaB Programmeevaluación, indicadores, desarrollo local, participación en la gestión, desarrollo sostenible, programa MAB de la UNESCO

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How to Cite
Castaño-Quintero, P. A., Gil-Cerezo, M. V., Galán Soldevilla, C., & Domínguez-Vilches, E. (2019). The Biosphere Reserves of Spain during 2008-2014: Implementation and Key Aspects for its Management. International Journal of Rural Development, 16(83).