Published Dec 20, 2020


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Jose Guadalupe Flores Lopez, JGFL

Sergio Ochoa Jiménez, SOJ

Carlos Armando Jacobo Hernandez, CAJH



Agricultural activity in the rural sector has been studied mainly in terms of technical questions regarding cultivation; however, the organizational aspects that generate added value, such as knowledge, have rarely been addressed. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between knowledge management and innovation in rural agricultural organizations in northwestern Mexico. A questionnaire with composed of 36 items and a thorough interview was applied to seven leading organizations of the Yaqui Valley (YV). The results reveal a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and innovation.


Sector Rural, Agricultores, Estudio CorrelacionalRural sector, Farmer´s, Correlation Study.

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How to Cite
Flores Lopez, J. G., Ochoa Jiménez, S., & Jacobo Hernandez, C. A. (2020). Knowledge Management and Innovation in Agricultural Organizations:: An Empirical Study in the Rural Sector of Northwest Mexico. International Journal of Rural Development, 17.