Published Oct 29, 2021


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Jazmin Jacinto-Padilla

Jose Lopez-Collado

Carlos Gilberto Garcia-Garcia

Catalino Jorge Lopez-Collado



Butterfly-based handicraft activities are usually performed around or within natural reserves. Using these insects in a sustainable way by rural communities should address multiple factors, goals and conservation constraints. This study ranks tourist zones in Veracruz, México, to create and market butterfly-based handicrafts by applying a multicriteria analysis. We differentiated top zones where a segment of the rural population could benefit from this activity. Roads, butterfly diversity, and tourists emerge as key elements while protected areas and transport costs were considered as constraints. The economic value of the butterfly-based handicraft market was estimated as well.


Diversificación económica, entomoturismo, sostenibilidad de la vida silvestre, evaluación de la participación en el mercadoEconomic diversification, entomotourism, market share assessment, wildlife sustainability

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How to Cite
Jacinto-Padilla, J., Lopez-Collado, J., Garcia-Garcia, C. G., & Lopez-Collado, C. J. (2021). Spatial and economic assessment of butterfly-based handicrafts as a tourism service provided by rural populations. International Journal of Rural Development, 18.