Published Jul 13, 2022


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Jorge Alejandro Silva Rodríguez de San Miguel



Governments have been forced to formulate and implement demand-responsive approaches focused on curtailing the challenges faced by their denizens in terms of water access. This research evaluates the current stature of rural water supply in the United States putting emphasis on the most significant legal and institutional considerations that hinder water access. A PRISMA guideline was implemented in order conduct a systematic review from 1990 to 2019. Findings show that there is a need for the government to reorganize its existing structures and offer its municipalities the requisite flexibility required to meet their ameliorative mandates.


privatization, rural areas, supply, water shortageprivatización, zonas rurales, abastecimiento, escasez de agua

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How to Cite
Silva Rodríguez de San Miguel, J. A. (2022). Improving Rural Water Supply in the United States. International Journal of Rural Development, 18.