Published Dec 20, 2020


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Julice Salvagni

Cristine Hermann Nodari

Vander Valduga



This literature review aimed to understand the territorial certification process of Grape and Wine Region in order to analyze the potential associative actions that can lead to innovations in wine tourism. The handcrafted wines suffered from competition and drove small farmers to compete with private capital, fostering the creation of several production cooperatives, consumer credit and, in the interests of microcluster organisation. This is a rural development model for the innovation of tourism projects, whose translation is carried out in the territories of cooperation. Local changes can influence economic dynamism, improve living conditions of the local population and generate social opportunities within the local economy.


desarrollo rural, turismo, innovación, cooperación, región vitivinicolainnovation, Tourism, cooperation, grape and wine region, rural development

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How to Cite
Salvagni, J., Nodari, C. H., & Valduga, V. (2020). Cooperation, Innovation and Tourism in the Grape and Wine Region, Brazil. International Journal of Rural Development, 17.