Published Sep 8, 2022


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Iliana Elizabeth Aguilar Rodríguez

Carlos Hernán

Andrés Gonzalo

Geovanni Fernando



The study is conducted in families of a rural population of the Republic of Ecuador, classified based on their social, cultural, and economic characteristics in the BOP market. Fifty groups were selected from these populations. Two hundred eighteen participants underwent detailed interviews and natural observation. The findings indicated a strong preference for national and traditional products, although also a preference for regional and global developments, showing differences in lifestyle and a combination of consumer needs. It is found that these consumers can be loyal to brands representing different social statuses. Therefore, companies should design more effective marketing strategies to target this market, whose growth is attractive for the development and increase of their sales volume.


Base of the pyramid;, BOP;, needs;, VALS;, lifestyle;, emerging marketsbase de la pirámide, BOP, necesidades, actitudes y estilos de vida (VALS), estilo de vida, mercados emergentes

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How to Cite
Aguilar Rodríguez, I. E., Artieda Cajilema, C. . H., Acosta Aguinaga, A. G., & Tapia Andino, G. F. (2022). Influence of Needs and Lifestyles on the Bop Consumer: : A Perspective in Ecuador. International Journal of Rural Development, 19.