Published Dec 20, 2020


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María López Martínez



Based on the use of an input-output methodology and data from worldwide tables gathered from OECD countries (Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development, 2016), this study develops a structural analysis on the agrarian sector in the international sphere, particularly in seven Latin-American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru (even though the information covers more than sixty economies). The results identify Chile as the Latin-American country with the most modern agrarian sector. It also shows the best socioeconomic indicators. On the other hand, Peru and Colombia use to be on the other end. Likewise, it can be concluded that the agrarian modernization models adopted by Argentina and Costa Rica have not favored a parallel development therein, as these models have a limited impact on the internal markets in both counties.


Agrarian sector, input-output analysis, cross-sector relationships, developmentSector agrario, análisis input-output, relaciones intersectoriales, desarrollo

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How to Cite
López Martínez, M. (2020). El sector agrario latinoamericano en el sistema económico internacional mediante técnicas input-output. International Journal of Rural Development, 17.