Published Apr 15, 2009

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Geraldine Ifrán



he document presented tackles the study of environmental insurance, from its own history through its environmental policy and mandatory character and spe- cifically locating its regulation in Uruguay. The environmental legislation is stu- died in-depht as well as practical aspects. Taking into account the claims made modality in environmental insurance, such coverage is analyzed drawing a con- clusion about its validity in Uruguay law. 

Key words author: Environmental civil liability insurance, claims made clause.

Key words plus: Environmental assurance, History- Uruguay, claims made clause, environmental policy- Uruguay, environmental civil liability insurance- Uruguay. 

How to Cite
Ifrán, G. (2009). Los seguros ambientales en Uruguay - Validez de las cláusulas claims made. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 18(30). Retrieved from
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