Published Dec 30, 2016


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Gabriela Zarante Bahamón



This article is aimed at revealing the tendency of the "constitutionalisation" of the Insurance Law and the exceptional protection of the Constitutional Court to the so-called "Subjects of Constitutional Protection". That issue can be observed in the way an insured or loss payee of a Life Group policy in a "defenselessness situation" by means of a writ for protection of constitutional rights demands the payment of the death benefits or the total and permanent incapacity for work without meeting the contractual and legal requirements to access to the mentioned coverages.

The stance of Constitutional Court, taking into account that the substancial law prevails over procedural law, is based on on the principles of solidarity, immediacy and subsidiarity when someone invokes the basic rights for life, minimum wage, decent housing, equality, social security among others. It is worth mentioning that such constitutional writ has been appeared on cases in which the insurance companies have refused to pay the compensation due to a reticent insured, a preexistence illness or when, over time, the insured or beneficiary of the policy loses the possibility of the chose in action due to have started the statute of limitations under the Colombian Law for insurances contract.


Constitucionalización, acción de tutela, derechos fundamentales, reticencia, preexistencia, prescripción del contrato de seguros, sujetos de especial protección constitucional, procedencia de la acción de tutela, subsidiaridad de la acción de tutelaConstitutionalisation, writ for the protection of constitutional rights, basic rights, reticence, preexistence, prescription of the insurance contract, individuals of constitutional protection, inadmissible writ for the protection of constitutional rights

How to Cite
Zarante Bahamón, G. (2016). Constitutionalisation and Basic Rights Protection in the Insurance Contract. Jurisprudential Analysis-Colombian Constitutional Court. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 25(45).
Sección jurisprudencial