Published Jun 8, 2020


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Alberto Javier Tapia Hermida



This study examines the extraordinary measures taken in Spain and Europe in insurance and pension plans to combat the consequences of the COVID pandemic 19, beginning by highlighting their usefulness for Ibero-American countries. Its content is distributed in four sections that refer to the extraordinary measures adopted in the statute of insurance entities (remuneration of administrators and management personnel and information by persons and entities subject to supervision), in damage insurance (the strengthening of export credit insurance in Europe and Spain), in personal insurance (life insurance and the Protection policy for health personnel fighting against COVID 19) and in pension plans (availability of consolidated rights).


COVID 19, insurance, pension plans, export credit insurance, life insurance, Protection policy for health personnel fighting against COVID 19COVID 19, seguros, planes de pensiones, seguro de crédito a la exportación, seguro de vida, Póliza de protección del personal sanitario que luchan contra el COVID 19

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Tapia Hermida, A.J., Manual de Derecho de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones, Ed. Iustel, 2014

Id., Guía del Contrato de Seguro, Ed, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor 2018.
How to Cite
Tapia Hermida, A. J. (2020). Extraordinary Measures Taken in Spain and Europe in Insurance and Pension Plans to Combat the Consequences of the Covid Pandemic 19. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 29(52).
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