Published Jul 28, 2023


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Henrique Pires Arbache



In this research, we seek to outline important assumptions to examine the proper legal treatment of the information presented by the insured, in favor of the efficiency of insurance contracts.

Starting from the examination of the main characteristics of insurance contracts, mutualism, actuarial calculations, its social function, we arrive at the importance of the information provided by the insured, for the adequate and balanced pricing of the service.

In this scenario, we seek to evaluate the consequences attributed by the Argentine and Brazilian legal systems, highlighting the positive points of each one and those that could suffer contributions.


insurance, information, omissions, reticence, efficiencyseguro, información, omisiones, reticencia, eficiencia

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How to Cite
Arbache, H. P. (2023). Reluctance, Omission, Incorrect Information and the Effectiveness of the Insurance Contract. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 32(58).
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