Published May 9, 2024


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Neftalí Garro Zúñiga



This article analyzes the issue of declaring the nature of the risk in insurance contracts and particularly the effects of misrepresentations or false statements, considering the Costa Rican legal system. It seeks to systematize the applicable legal rules so that they are easily applicable by legal operators. It analyzes the case law associated with the relevant provisions of the Insurance Contracts Law about misrepresentation and false statements. It summarizes the main doctrine that can be extracted from that case law.


nullability, good faith, non-disclosure, misrepresentation, risk, vitiated consentanulabilidad, buena fe, reticencia, riesgo, vicio de la voluntad

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How to Cite
Garro Zúñiga, N. (2024). Non-Disclosure and Misrepresentation in Declaring the Risk. Good Faith, Contract Pathology, and Case Law Evolution in Costa Rica. Revista Ibero-Latinoamericana De Seguros, 33(60), 67–88.
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