Aromatherapy in Nursing Residents during the COVID-19 Pandemic Pilot study
Objective: To verify the effect of aromatherapy on the emotional symptoms and fatigue of Nursing residents who worked in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Pre- and post-intervention pilot study with a quantitative approach. Residents used synergy of essential oils (Sicilian lemon, lavender, bergamot, and tea tree) at 2%, cutaneously, for three weeks. The Self-Report Questionnaire-20 (SRQ-20) and the Fatigue Pictogram were applied before, after the intervention, and three weeks after the end (follow-up). Results: 15 residents participated. The means of the three moments of the SRQ-20 were 9.73; 7.00 and 8.13, respectively. There was a reduction in post-intervention emotional symptoms (p=0.026) and during the follow-up there was no significant increase in the SRQ-20 score (p=0.666). There was no significant evidence of state change in the level of fatigue for the three phases of the study. Conclusions: The use of aromatherapy impacted the improvement of emotional symptoms of Nursing residents who worked in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
terapias complementares, aromaterapia, enfermagem, COVID-19terapias complementarias, aromaterapia, enfermería, COVID-19complementary therapies, aromatherapy, nursing, COVID-19
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