The author should send the article through the Open Journal System platform by the link:, given the following instructions:
1. Full title without abbreviations in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
2. Full name of all authors with their academic qualifications, the institutions to which they belong, the position within the institution and email. Attach in PDF or Word format "Author information".
3. Postal and email addresses of the principal author or other contact for correspondence.
4. The minimum length is 10 quartos (pages) and a maximum of 24.
5. The abstract of maximum 250 words, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, it is recommended that the purposes of the study or research, the basic procedures used, the main results and the main conclusions of the article are indicated. The key words (four or five), should be indexed in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS), NLM ( or in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH ) of Index Medicus ( in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
6. Each page should be numbered at the bottom right of the sheet. For research, the abstract should include the purpose of the study, the basic design, the type of study, location in time and place, interventions, results and conclusions.
7. The font should be Arial, 12 points, with 3 cm margin on all four sides, letter size, double spaced.
8. The titles and subtitles must be in bold. Do not use bold or underlined in the paragraph.
The tables and graphs referred to in the Article must be within the text and in a separate file, taking into account the following criteria: the tables are always named with Arabic numeral at the top, followed by the name or title. The drawings or graphs follow the same principle of numbering as the tables. The maximum allowed is 6 tables and / or figures.
10. If tables or graphs were taken of other articles or books, the source must be indicated and they should have appropriate authorization.
11. The references, which must follow the parameters of the Vancouver system, are cited in the text using Arabic numbers in brackets in the order in which they are mentioned. It is necessary to relate current information sources, belonging to indexed journals or primary sources scientifically supported. In this same order should appear under the heading "References", according to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Vancouver system:, as follows:
• Journal articles: over six authors, cite the first six and then use the expression "et al." .If less than six, cite all, then indicate the title of the article, name of journal properly abbreviated ( =) year, volume and issue of the magazine and the first and last page. Example:
• Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, Deangeli CD. Authorship for research groups. JAMA. 2002;288:3166-68.
• Books: Foucault M. The Order of Things.Mexico: Siglo XXI, 1987.
• Book chapters: Domen ML. Abordaje interdisciplinario del síndrome de la mujer maltratada: proceso secuencial.In: Corsi J, compiler.Violencia familiar: una mirada interdisciplinaria sobre un grave problema social.Buenos Aires: Paidós; 1995. p.65-9.
• Electronic sources: it is necessary to cite the full address and the date the information is retrieved with the authors and the title of the document. Example:
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [internet]. 2002 June [retrieved 12 ago 2008]; 102(6):[aprox. 3 p.]. Available at:
12. Specify what type of contribution and explain its definition according to the established classification.
Types of articles
Article of scientific and technological research: document that presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. The structure must have four components as a minimum: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
Review article: document resulting from a completed research, where the results of published and unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated in order to account for the progress and development trends. It is characterized by a thorough literature review of at least 50 references.
Reflection article: it presents the results of a completed research from which the author analyzes, interprets or makes a critical approach on the subject, using original sources.
Reflection paper not derived from research: refers to an essay that presents the author's supported opinion on a specific topic.
Paper: paper presented at academic events (conferences, symposia, seminars and others) as an original and current contribution in the domain of the publication of the Journal.
Short article: short paper presenting the original, preliminary or partial results of a scientific or technological research, which usually require a quick dissemination.
Case report: A document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation, in order to raise awareness of the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. It includes a commented systematic review of the literature on similar cases.
Topic review: outcome document of the critical review of the literature on a particular topic.
Letters to the editor: critical positions on analytical or interpretative documents published in the Journal that, in the opinion of the Editorial Board, are regarded as a valuable contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference.
Transcription or translation: translations of classical or current texts or transcripts of historical or particular interest documents in the domain of the publication of the journal. Discussions, communications and experiences of health and care.
13. Relate the information corresponding to the sponsoring institution of the research from which the article is derived; attach in pdf or Word format the "Project Information".
14. In case self-citation is found in article, this practice will be subject to evaluation by the editorial committee to identify its relevance; it will be taken into account only if explicit recognition of the content is required in the development of the theme (e.g. instruments or theories developed by the author).
15. The articles submitted must be unpublished and must not have publishing commitments with any other publication. It is required that the author attach a letter of statement of originality when sending his/her contribution.
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