Published Jul 29, 2011

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Juan Danilo Hurtado

Dora Viviana Rincón Baldión

Ana Ruby Niño



This investigation was carried out for the method of study of cases, where seven situations of unemployment cardio respiratory were analyzed, that which was made by means of observations non participative that were registered in work squares, where the following aspects erete contemplated: valuation and diagnosis of the unemployment cardio respiratory, organization of the team of health, technical and procedures used durin the intervention; they were also carried out interviews structured to the team of health that intervened, where the opinion of them was known as for facilities, limitations and suggestions about the human resource and material. Keeping in mind that the time is a decisive factor for the patient's life, this investigation showed the importance to organize a dynamics of opporune, efficient and effective performance, where each member of the team of health should have clarity about the functions that she will carry out during the intervention; equally the necessity is shown of having the whole material resource for the resuscitation in the service in that it is presented the unemployment cardio respiratory and its good operation.

How to Cite
Hurtado, J. D., Rincón Baldión, D. V., & Niño, A. R. (2011). Resuscitation brain-cardiopulmonary. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 1(1), 74–81. Retrieved from
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