Published Sep 16, 2015


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Mairelys Borges Navarro

Rosa María Alonso Uría

Beatriz Rodríguez Alonso

Rolando Uranga Piña

Jacqueline Santos Ravelo



Introduction: The pregnancy in the adolescence continues to increase its incidence in the Cuban population. The precocious abandonment of the maternal nursing is observed in the descendants of adolescent mothers, that which rebounds with the increase of the morbidity and infantile mortality. Objective: To determine the relationship of the precocious weaning with some variables related to the mother and the children of adolescent mothers Methods: An observational study was carried out, of a series of cases from January 2010 to December 2012, in the Educational Pediatric Hospital San Miguel del Padron. The universe was built of 4164 hospitalized infants. We worked with a sample of size 312 obtained by means of convenience sampling, based on the approach of coming from adolescent mother. Variables related with the mother were studied and their descendant. Descriptive statisticians of summary measures were analyzed, position, for an interval of trust of 95. Results: 69.8 % of the mothers were in their late adolescence and basic secondary education. The masculine lactates among 7-9 months prevailed. The precocious weaning was observed, in the first three months of life (52.9 %), of them the 9.3 % presented malnutrition by default. 13.8 % was suckled until the 6 months and more. Conclusions: It was significant
the precocious weaning in the children of adolescent mothers. A minimum percent
had exclusive maternal nursing during 6 months. It existed prevalence of Sharp
Breathing Infections and Illnesses Sharp Diarrheas in the children with precocious
abandonment of maternal nursing.


destete precoz, adolescente, aspectos psicosociales, relaciones hijo-madreprecoce, adolescente, aspectos psicossociais, relacione neles-mãesprecocious weaning, adolescent, psychosocial aspects, mother-child relations

How to Cite
Borges Navarro, M., Alonso Uría, R. M., Rodríguez Alonso, B., Uranga Piña, R., & Santos Ravelo, J. (2015). Early Abandonment of Exclusive Maternal Nursing in Teenager’s Children. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 17(2), 21–36.
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