Published Aug 4, 2011

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Diana Lozano Poveda



The aging of the population raises challenges to the different estates from the society, specially in the services of social security, health, education, employment and housing. In the services of health, the professionals in general and the nurses in particular, when assuming the care of the greater adults, from the areas of attendance to the disease and promotion of the health, must respond to those challenges. The present article is a reflection around the dimensions of the care of nursing in relation around the dimensions of the care of nursing in relation to the care of the age people, considering, the againg of the population caused by the demographic changes (individual life expectancy, structures relative) and the health subjects that affect this group, doing special emphasis in the social participation of the greater adults and its families

How to Cite
Lozano Poveda, D. (2011). Ageing population: dimensions for health care. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 5(1), 52–63. Retrieved from
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