Published Aug 19, 2011

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Sandra Paola Vargas Manzanares

Gina Paola Herrera Olaya

Laura Rodríguez García

Gloria Judith Sepúlveda Carrillo



Introduction: Breast cancer is not only characterized by their high statistical figures but also by emotional burdens that play an important role in the disease which are balanced through the process of coping, which is carried out usin various strategies, with two forms: An active form (associated with the disease face a direct), and a passive form (seeks to avoid conflict conflict and deny the patient lives). Objective: To establish the reliability of the questionnaire Brief COPE Invetory (BCI) in Spanish to asses coping strategies in women with breast cancer. Methodology: A psycometric questionnaire applications with 140 patients in an oncology unit in Bogotá was used to analyze the statistical program SPSS 16.0, determining the reliability by Cronbach's alpha model. Results: Showed the BCI in an Spanish Cronbach alpha of 0.698. For the active coping dimension value was 0.663, and for passive copin dimension 0.523. The questionnaire was composed of 28 items that assess two dimensions: coping an stand, each with seven coping startegies. Conclusion: The BCI in Spanish applied to women with breast cancer did not suffer significant changes in his theoretical construct, which shows that can be used in this population as well as the already approved and recommended to continue with the analysis applied to psychometric Colombian population to assess coping strategies in order to obtain indicators of external validity.

How to Cite
Vargas Manzanares, S. P., Herrera Olaya, G. P., Rodríguez García, L., & Sepúlveda Carrillo, G. J. (2011). Reliability of the questionnaire brief COPE inventory in spanixh version for assessing coping strategies in patients with breast cancer. Bogotá, Colombia, 2009. Investigación En Enfermería Imagen Y Desarrollo, 12(1), 7–24. Retrieved from
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